
personal, employee-friendly support

Cost Containment

identify, eliminate unnecessary health plan expenses


independent, objective validation

MedBill Management’s guaranteed positive return-on-investment takes the financial risk off the table

MedBill Management is the one-stop solution for organizations committed to ensuring that health plan claim payments are accurate and only made for eligible plan participants. A comprehensive Dependent Eligibility Verification project will identify and eliminate unnecessary healthcare costs due to ineligible dependents. MedBill Management has also created a unique way to blend Dependent Eligibility Verification with Medical Claims Audit services to maximize cost containment and compliance. Benefit Plan Managers, and their Consultants/Brokers, have quickly embraced this best-in-class solution to help win the battle against rising health plan costs. Want to learn more?

How We Help

Dependent Eligibility Verification

An employee-friendly approach to identifying and eliminating expenses related to ineligible dependents.

Medical & Pharmacy Claims Audits

Comprehensive analysis will identify overcharges, missed COB opportunities and deviations from plan specifications.

Other Health Plan Audit Services

Leverage-up the savings with these supplemental services.

How We’re Different

MedBill Management is firmly committed to delivering superior results, without sacrificing employee relations. Our motto, “compliance with compassion”, drives all of our processes. MedBill Management takes great pride in providing superior customer service starting with real people answering the phone and assisting plan participants. We also recognize the value of unlimited follow-up to ensure that employees understand the importance of verifying the eligibility of their covered dependents. Our average project response rate is 99.7% and that only comes about through hard work. We are so confident in the success of our services that we guarantee a high response rate and a positive return-on-investment!